Operation World states that from 1917-87 the Church in Russia has suffered the most severe and sustained persecution of any nation in recent history. Over 200,000 Christian leaders were martyred and by 1940 there were only 1000 church buildings in all of Russia. 

Today, Christian leaders in Russia, who are few in number, must rise to many great challenges. Lack of training in the past, need for funding today and loss of many pastors and educators through emigration contribute to this lack of leaders.

In the midst of this, in 1993 God birthed a remarkable seminary to equip men and women as pastors, children’s ministers, counselors, church planters, and teachers. Moscow Seminary became the place of study for students from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. 

You can make a difference by funding the expansion of the seminary or supporting a seminary student.

Moscow Seminary Expansion

Currently, the seminary is expanding, enrollment & number of students is growing. From 2007 to 2019 the number of students has increased more than 10 times!   Today the seminary trains over 550 full-time students and 200 part-time students annually to minister the gospel in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. 

Current Needs:

Provide students with a new smart-cam for lectures in an auditorium at the seminary. SUGGESTED GIFT: $150

Help students learn and work while traveling with a compact tablet, keyboard and stylus. SUGGESTED GIFT: $645 FOR EACH STUDENT

Enable the seminary to continue to offer student housing during academic sessions. One apartment is being renovated, and new furniture and kitchen items are needed. TOTAL COST: $1,800 OR SUGGESTED GIFT: $300

Fuel the work of a new training curriculum that is being translated into Russian to further the training for ministers. TOTAL COST: $8,750 FOR THE FIRST YEAR; SUGGESTED GIFT: $450

Moscow Evangelical Seminary is sending out pastors and church leaders throughout Russia and beyond. Over 500 students are currently being equipped. The annual cost of tuition, room, and board for a seminary student is $1,200.

Georgiy Diasamidze (Youth Pastor & Mentor)

My name is Georgiy Diasamidze. I am from Georgia (not Georgia, US but Georgia, USSR :-)

 I was first brought to church when I was 8. But I had no interest in church until I was 14. It is then, in my teenage years, I obtained a spiritual mentor at church. My mentor became my closest friend who discipled me, taught me the Scriptures, and answered my questions. While walking and witnessing my mentor, I confessed my faith and was baptized.

 And the Bible says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Since I have experienced just that first hand in the Youth Program of the church my wish is to reproduce it with other youth.

 Moscow Seminary offers 18-month long Religious Organization Chief Executive Officer program. Wow, it’s straight to the point, all courses keyed to Church: Leadership, Administration, Faith & State, Public Relationships, Finance & Logistics, Conflict Resolution, and Voluntary Activity.

Alleluia, that’s just what I need! Please consider supporting my me with donations to cover the cost of the $1,200 tuition.

Thank you and may God bless you!

Whether leading devotion and prayer or teaching to students, Georgiy is answer the call from the Lord to share the gospel with youth.

Summer youth camp and opportunities to transform lives for the Lord with the gospel of Jesus.