Our partners in Lebanon formerly operated three schools for Syrian refugee children who were displaced from their homeland. Due to the unrest and bombings of Tyre, the refugee camps have been disbanded. As a result, many of the refugees have fled to northern Lebanon and back into Syria. God graciously provided trauma training for some of the Syrian women who have taken their skills and continue to treat those impacted by the unrest in the region. These workers are sharing the hope of the Gospel while administering trauma treatment.
The need for healing of PTSD, anxiety and depression among Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian people in Lebanon is greater than ever. Words of Isa provides trauma therapy and shares the gospel to help victims meet Jesus.
LEBANON: The bombing of Tyre has forced mass evacuations. Ministry workers offer group therapy to refugees of war. SUGGESTED GIFTS: $25 FOR ONE GROUP THERAPY SESSION FOR 10 PEOPLE; $500 COVERS EXPENSES FOR ONE COUNSELOR FOR ONE MONTH
SYRIA: Ministry workers are sharing the gospel and planting home churches in an area controlled by Islamist extremists. SUGGESTED GIFTS: $25 FOR ONE GROUP THERAPY SESSION FOR 10 PEOPLE; $500 COVERS EXPENSES FOR ONE COUNSELOR FOR ONE MONTH; $1,000 COVERS ONE MONTH OF EVANGELISM AND HOME CHURCH PLANTING
SYRIA (Aleppo region): Many Kurdish families are coming to faith in Jesus in this area controlled by Kurdish militias. SUGGESTED GIFTS: $25 FOR ONE GROUP THERAPY SESSION FOR 10 PEOPLE; $1,000 WILL BUY FOOD FOR 50 FAMILIES WHO HAVE FLED WAR IN LEBANON
Chris Todd, explains the ministry of Words of Isa in Lebanon.
The Syrian refugee children have no other means for education. Chris Todd educates children to read and write in their own language while learning about Jesus and the hope He brings.
The smallest of children are cared for by their brothers and sisters as their mothers farm the fields. Tamarind offers resources of hope and love as they grow to know the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Syrian refugee women gather for therapy in the Trauma Therapy Clinic in Tyre. Classes are held in three classrooms, twice a day, 18 sessions per week. Pray for strength and endurance for these women. The demand for these classes has risen as the Israel/Hamas war raging around them, pushing many to the breaking point.
Your support can fund the materials and instructor for these despartly needed classes. A donation of any size is welcome. A donation of $350 pays for six counseling sessions..